Better Regulation: The next level for the VDL Commission
Tue, 26 Apr
|Renaissance Brussels Hotel
A C-level exclusive lunch with Ms. Antonina Cipollone

Time & Location
26 Apr 2022, 12:00 – 14:00
Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Bruxelles
About the Event
ESAE is excited to join forces with SEAP for an C-level exclusive event to take place in person in Brussels and focus on central topic for European Associations: Better Regulation. The event will bring together EUCO officials with Association Executives to discuss the topic and the Commission's priorities as we are approching the middle of its term in office.
Better Regulation refers to the strategy to ensure that EU legislation delivers on its legislative objectives in the most effective and efficient way. To do this, the Commission uses various instruments such as comprehensive evaluations and fitness checks, impact assessments, consultations and compliance promotion tools. The recently adopted Better Regulation Communication reiterates the need for a call for evidence-informed policymaking, a stronger approach to stakeholder consultation, burden reduction and the integration of strategic foresight. Most recently the European Commission released its Guidelines for Commission staff, building on its Communication.
From a public affairs industry perspective, progress is needed when it comes to public consultations, to ensure that quality and timing allow for appropriate input by all stakeholders. Another key area is related to impact assessments, where we believe the principle of objectivity should guide the Commission’s work. Finally, industry would like to see increased transparency in the functioning of Commission expert groups, which in turn would make the EU more open and all-inclusive.
Antonina Cipollone , Head of Unit in SG.A.2 - Evaluation & Impact Assessment, Regulatory Scrutiny Board Secretariat
Wouter Lox, Secretary General, European Fruit Juice Association
Paul Varakas, President, Society of European Affairs Professionals
Introduction by William Parker, Director for Public Affairs at SEC Newgate
The event is kindly sponsored by SEC Newgate EU.
This event is for C-level ESAE and SEAP members only, and spots are limited. Not a member yet? Click here to check out the membership benefits and join ESAE, and here to check out the membership benefits and jon SEAP.